Instant spelling dictionary 25,000 words spelled, divided, accented, including complete rules for spelling, word division, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviating, word compounding, forms of address, and proofreader's marks.
Dougherty, Margaret M.
Instant spelling dictionary 25,000 words spelled, divided, accented, including complete rules for spelling, word division, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviating, word compounding, forms of address, and proofreader's marks. - New 3d ed. - New Jersey Career Institute Ms.Rowan 1967 - 320 p.
English language--Orthography and spelling--Dictionaries
English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching
English language--Pronunciation
Spelling books
Instant spelling dictionary 25,000 words spelled, divided, accented, including complete rules for spelling, word division, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviating, word compounding, forms of address, and proofreader's marks. - New 3d ed. - New Jersey Career Institute Ms.Rowan 1967 - 320 p.
English language--Orthography and spelling--Dictionaries
English language--Orthography and spelling--Study and teaching
English language--Pronunciation
Spelling books